Lucifer and Babylon


Would you mind explaining how the references to Tyrus in the Garden of Eden (Ezekiel 28:11-19) and Lucifer in heaven (Isaiah 14:12-14) still refer to Babylon?


We have said that the first “king of Babylon” was and is Lucifer (See Isaiah 14:4, 12). His spirit of selfishness in heaven as Lucifer is the spirit of Babylon, strife and confusion, the same spirit which has controlled Babylon ever since. The earthly king, or prince, of Babylon, worked the will of Satan, or Lucifer, the king. Isaiah 14:4-20 is a prophecy of what will come upon Satan and all his children in the end, typified by the destruction of ancient Babylon. Tyre was a city noted for its pride and wickedness. The prince of Tyre, its earthly king, had lifted himself up as God (See Ezekiel 28:2). In thus arrogating to himself such authority and wisdom, he was actuated by Satan, the king of Tyre, described in beginning and end in verses 11-19. The garden of God is in the city of God, in heaven, where Lucifer dwelt before his sin.




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