Christ’s Millennial Reign


Do not Revelation 20:6, last part, and 5:10 prove that the reign during the 1,000 years will be on this earth?


No, not at all. Revelation 5:10 declares in that expectant song, “we shall reign on the earth;” but it does not say when. The thousand years’ reign in the New Jerusalem in heaven is the beginning of the eternal reign, but it differs from what comes after in that it is a work of judgment over what is written in the books concerning the wicked. John 13:36; 14:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17, with Revelation 14:1-3; 15:2, 3; 19:1, conclusively show that at Christ’s second coming, the saints are taken to heaven, to the many mansions in the city of God. The sea of glass and the throne, Revelation 4:1-6 shows to be in heaven. During this time, the earth lies empty, desolate of inhabitants. And yet the saints have entered upon their inheritance, for the glorious city they have sought (see Hebrews 13:14) is a part of the eternal kingdom (see Hebrews 11:14-16; Revelation 21:1, 2). John 17:24, to which our correspondent refers, takes in Christ’s work in heaven during the thousand years and the eternal reign.




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“Till the Son of Man Be Come”


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