Did They Have a Chance for Eternal Life?


Is it not taught that millions of the race have died without God and hope in the world? That they have never heard the gospel or heard of the name of Jesus? How can their condemnation be just if they have never had a chance for eternal life?


Not one intelligent soul has lived upon this earth since time began that has not had sufficient to save him if he would but grasp it. The nineteenth psalm and the first and tenth chapters of Romans prove this. Millions have died without hope and God, but it was because they put God far away and would not cherish the hope. The invisible things of God are seen in the visible.

The fact that God is a God of infinite power and wisdom, as revealed in His works to the logical, thoughtful mind, demonstrates He is a God of power and love. Jesus Christ is the true light that “lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” To every soul, there comes some ray of light. That is shown in the experience of missionaries who have found heathens in the darkest lands, living up to all the light they had. It is not knowledge that saves; it is love and loyalty. “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.” (2 Chronicles 16:9). They may be heathen who are guilty of many sins of ignorance. Still, if their heart is perfect toward the little light they have, that light is sufficient to save.

One ray of light followed leads to the center of light. One beam of light from the throne of God will lead to God and His salvation. Our English name, Jesus, may not be known. The thought is not the name but the character.

If we have truly grasped the government of God, seen the bearing of the law of God in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and known the love of God, we know that the Lord will and has left all without excuse. Individuals will have to give an account of the light that they have had, and every Christian ought to do all in his power to let the light, more light, shine.




Elijah the Prophet


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