Twelve Thousand From Each Tribe


In Revelation 7:5–8, does it literally mean that just an even number of descendants of each tribe of Israel will be saved?


The true Israel of God are not those numbered among the tribes of the earth, nor have they ever been, only as those tribes were connected with Christ by faith. There are no known twelve earthly tribes now. But in God’s record above, where the names of true Israel are written, the twelve tribes still exist, not made up necessarily nor mainly from the descendants of the Hebrews, but from the believing of all nations. For it is by faith that Israel shall be saved. “And so [by faith, verse 20] all Israel shall be saved.” Romans 11:26; also 9:6–8; Galatians 3:26–29; Ephesians 2:20; 3:6. All who enter the city of God will enter as one of the twelve Heavenly Tribes. (See Revelation 21:12). The numbers mentioned in Revelation 7:5–8, 12,000 from each tribe, do not refer to the earthly tribes, but to those recorded in heaven; nor does it include all that are saved under each tribe, but those who are saved out of the last generation of men. The sealing work of Revelation 7:1-8 is a work that takes place just before Christ comes, and the 144,000 of that chapter are identical to the company of Revelation 14:1–5.






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