The Lord’s Supper and Baptism


Why do we need the literal eating and drinking of the literal supper when we should, by faith, feast upon Christ alone, or why do we need literal baptism? Would not faith be more significant if we feast upon the Word of God and manifest it to the world rather than depend upon those ordinances and lack evidence of faith in His Word?


Is this the proper form of question? Would not this be the better way to put the question: Would not our faith be clearer and stronger if we should feast upon the Word of God, and manifest it to the world in our life, and show by these ordinances which He has Himself ordained that we have simple faith in His Word? Now, one reason why those ordinances should be obeyed is that He, who knew our frame and all about us in every way, said that we should observe them. That ought to be sufficient. Peter said on one occasion, “Thou shalt never wash my feet;” and Jesus closed the instruction given upon that occasion, “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” All these Gospel ordinances ought to be open manifestations of a continual heart work, so God designed them. We have no right to hide behind the deception that we will do these things in heart and spirit, though we neglect the outward form, any more than we have to hide behind the mere formality and let our heart run riot as it will. Jesus said, “Ye are My friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you;” our great, good Saviour and wise Friend knew, and knows, that we need the ordinances He Himself left in the church.




Time of Egyptian Plagues


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