Discoveries of Geology


Do the discoveries of geology really conflict with the statement in God’s Word that the world was created in six literal days, as scientists claim that they do?


The factual discoveries of geology do not conflict with God’s Word. However, geologists often make mistakes in their findings and calculations. While it is acknowledged that the earth has been submerged at some point, geologists refute the idea of a universal Flood of Noah. According to the Word of God, the changes were immense and widespread. “The world [the orderly arrangement] that then was, being overflowed with water, perished.” (2 Peter 3:6). Not only were the floodgates of heaven opened, but “the fountains of the great deep” were also broken up. (Gen. 7:11). This tremendous cataclysm transformed the entire face of nature, altering mountain chains, burying forests, and reshaping the rocks. The sea turned into land, and land into water. Earthquakes, fires, and the deluge occurred rapidly, contrary to the long periods assigned to these changes by geologists. With the significant discrepancies among geologists regarding the age of the earth, we choose to put our unwavering trust in the Word of God, which “they willingly are ignorant” of (2 Peter 3:5-7).




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