“How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” Psalm 119:103

Jamal J. Sankey
President, Sure Word Ministry
Pastor of Admin, Three Angels Fellowship

Darrio D. Taylor
Director, Sure Word Ministry
Lead Pastor, Three Angels Fellowship

Ariane J. Chapman
Director, Sure Word Ministry
Assoc. Pastor, Three Angels Fellowship

B. Kevin L. Howard
Director, Sure Word Ministry
Lead Pastor, Bible & Health Learning Center
SURE WORD MINISTRY is a Bible-based ministry composed of teachers, pastors, and evangelists equipped by God’s grace and fully committed to sharing and contending for the faith once delivered to the saints. We are focused on fulfilling the great commission of Jesus Christ as given in Matthew 28:19-20 and John 17 and illustrated in Revelation 14:6-12 and 18:1-4. Beginning with small Bible study groups in homes and churches, we have since grown into a global presence. Our ministry has been richly blessed and entrusted with an international voice that has covered the world field by personal labor and digital and printed media. We specialize in taking the advanced truths of the Bible and making them simple.
I’ve been praying to be woken up for so long, and hearing the message you share was an answer to my prayer.
- Tiffany
We believe that probationary time is soon to close and that developing a character after the divine pattern of Christ is not a suggestion but a necessity. We believe that if we are saved, it will be through the abundant provisions of grace provided to us through the Lamb of God. We also think that seeking revival is our first work and comes as we appropriate God’s appointed means.
We believe when Christians understand prophecy as we should, there will be seen among us a great revival, which will blend with reformation. Furthermore, understanding the times we live in will also show us our need for health and education reform and the importance of leaving the cities for homes in the country.
We believe in contending for the faith once delivered to the saints (not merely doctrinally but in the spirit and power of godliness) and leading God’s children in the old paths, the good way, where they will find rest for their souls. Furthermore, we believe that the Bible alone is our rule of faith and that the sayings and doings of men are not to be a criterion for our doctrines or actions. The Bible is our creed, standard of faith and discipline, and sole bond of union.