Bible Proof for Easter


Please explain where the various sects get the Bible proof or instruction for what they call Easter and Easter services; also, where can we find the word “Easter” outside of Acts 12:4?


The word “Easter” is not found in the Bible save in Acts 12:4, and it ought not to be there. The original word is “Passover,” so it should be rendered. All scholars admit this. There is no Scripture whatever for Easter services. The word “Easter” itself is from the old Saxon goddess Easter, or Eostre, a pagan goddess worshiped in the spring of the year. The apostate church, the Papal church, endeavored to unite the heathen feast with the day that some were kept in honor of Christ’s resurrection, but our Lord never gave any day to be observed, either weekly or yearly, in honor of His resurrection. It is purely gratuitous on man’s part and must fall under the condemnation of these words of our Saviour: “Every plant, which My heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.” Matthew 15:13. Will our correspondent take hold of these truths for himself, have all charity toward those who are doing wrong, and do all in his power to lead them to the better memorial of Christ’s resurrection—the renewed, regenerated life in Christ Jesus?




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