Bringing Fire Down From Heaven


Please explain Revelation 13:13. What is meant by fire coming down from heaven on the earth in the sight of man, and how shall we know when this takes place?


We do not believe this prophecy has yet been fulfilled, nor can we say just how it will be fulfilled, aside from being the result of Satan’s miracle-working power. (See Revelation 13:13, 14). This we do know—that at one time in the history of God’s work, the Lord answered by fire through His prophet. (See 1 Kings 18:22-39). The sun prophets of Baal could not bring fire from heaven to consume their sacrifice, but the simple prayer of God’s true prophet brought from on high the fire that burned up the sacrifice and licked up the water.

Satan, by his arts and devices, will be able, in the last days, to counterfeit the miracle of Elijah. He will do this to make the world believe that the powers of earth in the last days, all united in one great confederacy, have as much power as did Elijah in times past and that the religious laws and the worship of the beast which they undertake to enforce, are as sacred as was the message which Elijah bore.

We have this means by which we can test all these deceptions of the enemy: If that miracle is wrought to turn people away from God’s Word, or if it bears a message which turns people away from God’s Word, it is not of God. If it brings souls to His Word and leads them to honor Him and honor His Word, we may accept it as from Him. Those who are steadfast in His Word will not be deceived. (See Revelation 3:10; 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12).




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