Days of the Week


Why were the days of the week given the names they bear instead of the First Day, Second Day, etc.? What do these names signify?


When men departed from the true God, under the guidance of the enemy, they began worshiping false gods. Having transferred their devotion to their false gods, they started in will-worship, which error always fosters, to establish memorials and remembrances to their pseudo deities. Among these remembrances were the days of the week. Sunday was named after the sun; Monday, from the moon; Tuesday, from the Norse Tyr, the god of martial honor; Wednesday, from the Norse god Woden, the mad or furious one; Thursday, from Thunres, the god of thunder; Friday, from the goddess Frigga, answering to Venus; Saturday, from the god Saturn. Nebuchadnezzar named the Hebrew youths after heathen gods to help them forget Jehovah. So the days of the week in Satan’s plan were thus named to help men forget the Sabbath and the Lord of the Sabbath.



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