Enoch and Elijah


The Bible says Enoch and Elijah were carried up to heaven without dying. Do you suppose they will be all the good people that will get to heaven before the second coming of Christ? Please explain the first three verses of the 17th chapter of Matthew.


Yes, both Enoch and Elijah were translated; of these, the Bible gives us a record. There may have been others thus taken; we do not know. When Christ died, many graves were opened; when He rose from the dead, many came out of their graves and appeared to people. (See Matthew 27: 52, 53). When Jesus ascended, this multitude of those who were once Satan’s captives ascended with Him. (See Ephesians 4:8, margin). Matthew 17:1-3 reveals to us that there was yet another who had been raised, namely, Moses. The transfiguration on the mount was to demonstrate to the disciples what the kingdom of Christ would be at His coming. (See Matthew 16:28). Jesus Christ will be glorified in that kingdom, and there will be the righteous raised from the dead, represented by Moses, who died and was buried by the Lord. When Christ, or Michael the Archangel, came to raise him from the dead, Satan resisted Him. (See Jude 1:9). But “The Lord rebuke thee” triumphed, and Moses came forth from the dead and appeared a living, glorified man on the mount. Those who never taste death will greet Christ when He comes. Elijah represented these. Read 2 Peter 1:16-18, where the purpose of the transfiguration is stated; namely, to set before the disciples the power, coming, and surety of the Lord Jesus Christ.



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