God’s Throne


Will God’s throne be on this earth? Rev. 21:3. We want to know if this is the Father or Son.


The context indicates that it is the throne of the Father. “Behold,” says the heavenly voice; a new thing is to be seen, “the tabernacle (dwelling-place) of God is with men, and He will dwell with them… and God Himself shall be with them.” “And the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be therein.” (Rev. 22:3). How supremely fitting it is that the place where the Son of God suffered and died should be the most exalted in all the universe. Where sin’s curse lay the heaviest, there God’s grace will restore it–a fitting place for His throne. The time of Rev. 21:3 is after the millennium; 1 Cor. 15:24 is before the thousand years (See our post called “THE PRONOUNS IN 1 CORINTHIANS”).



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