Is It 2,300 or 2,400?


I read an article stating that the Septuagint has 2,400 days in Daniel 8:14 instead of 2,300. Is this as reliable as the King James or Revised Version?


No, it is not reliable. The Septuagint gives 2,400 days, but the Alexandrian Septuagint gives 2,300 days. There is but one ancient copy that offers 2,400 days, another gives 2,200 days, but all of the very best copies of Hebrew and otherwise give 2,300 days. There is no question regarding this on the part of critical scholars. The only ones who question it are those with some theory to sustain. The cleansing of the sanctuary was not a work to be done by restoring the Holy Land or cleansing this earth. It was a heavenly, spiritual work to be wrought by our great High Priest on high and in the hearts of God’s children. If the article’s writer had understood this, he would have avoided endeavoring to sustain the reading in the Septuagint.




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