Take Up Serpents


Do you believe that those who have faith are obligated to handle serpents?


Not at all. That is one of the signs that the Lord declared should follow those who believe, but we should not assume that all these signs will manifest in every individual or at all times. Furthermore, these signs do not occur at the will of man but always at the will of God. God does not grant power for people to seek attention for themselves. If it is necessary for His work or the glory of His name, and if God can trust specific individuals with His power, He will enable them to perform the miracles He promised. However, it is a complete misunderstanding of this text to demand that believers perform these actions to prove their faith. The person who makes such a request is acting unwisely, and the one who attempts to perform miracles in response is both unwise and presumptuous. Jesus faced similar challenges from Satan and Herod, but He did not respond to either. Additionally, John, one of the greatest prophets, performed no miracles.




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