Unconfessed Sin


Would an unconfessed sin have the same effect as a commandment trespassed, shutting one away from salvation? Also, please give a few instances of what kind of sin needs to be confessed publicly, what type to our neighbor, and what kind in the family circle.


The unconfessed sin is cherished, or else pride of heart is so cherished that it leads us to keep the sin rather than confess it. God’s means of taking sin from His children is through confession. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9. David said, “I acknowledged my sin unto Thee, and mine iniquity did I not hide: I said, I will confess my transgressions unto Jehovah; and Thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin.” Ps. 32:5. All sin is the transgression of God’s law, the transgression of some one or more commandments of that law. Therefore, to commit sin and retain it instead of putting it away by confession is just the same as the transgression of one of the commandments of His law.

Wisdom, as well as thoroughness, should be used in the confession of sin. The confession should be made as broad as the sin if possible. If the sin, the wrong, is against God alone, we should confess it to God. For instance, if one has cherished hatred in his heart against a neighbor, if he has coveted that which belongs to another, and yet has not offended humanity in thus doing, it would be sufficient to go to God and tell Him of this and pour out the heart before Him. If one’s sin has been an open sin before the public if he has been an open Sabbath-breaker or user of profane language, a covetous man, or a thief, he should make that confession before the public, should take such a stand that the public before whom he had committed these sins would know that he had turned from these sins and was obedient to God.

If he has sinned directly against his neighbor in his language or in his treatment of that neighbor, a sin known to his neighbor, he should undoubtedly confess to his neighbor his sin. So, regarding family matters. There is a homely illustration that the bandage should be made large enough to cover the sore, so the confession should be made large enough to cover the sin. Satan would be glad to have souls confess, before the public, secret sins that lie between them and God only. The Lord does not require that.




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