What Beast?


What beast is referred to by John in Revelation 19:19, 20, and 20:9, 10, the two-horned beast or the beast with the seven heads and ten horns?


Two powers are mentioned in these scriptures, the beast and the false prophet, two leading mighty influences in the last great apostasy of earth. “The beast,” it will be seen by carefully reading from Revelation 13 to 20, invariably refers to the seven-headed, ten-horned beast. By comparing Revelation 19:20 with 13:11-17, it will also be evident that the false prophet is identical to the two-horned beast. Note the specifications:

  1. The false prophet gave a false message.
  2. He wrought miracles or signs in the sight of, or before, the beast.
  3. He deceived the people into believing his false message through the miracles he wrought.
  4. He induced them to worship the beast and receive his mark, the badge of his authority.

That is just what the two-horned beast did. The false prophet and the two-horned beast are identical.

“The beast” of Revelation 13:1-10 is a symbol of the union of Church and State, which has manifested its fullest development in the Papacy. This power will be a persecutor when the Lord comes. The false prophet who wrought miracles before the beast, the two-horned beast of Revelation 13:11-17, is a union of Church and State in this country (the USA).




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