Will God Leave Him?


If a person sincerely and humbly seeks God for wisdom and guidance in a particular situation, genuinely desiring to do nothing that would harm God’s cause, will God abandon them or allow the adversary to take control?


Many similar questions arise that humans cannot answer definitively because we do not possess all the facts relevant to the situation. However, we can confidently state that God will never abandon anyone who fully trusts Him. God’s “ways are ways of pleasantness,” and all His “paths are peace.” That said, the Lord may not desire us to pursue a particular course of action. Sometimes, we strongly wish for something to happen, convincing ourselves we are the right person to make it happen, and then we seek God’s wisdom for guidance. That may indicate that we began with a flawed premise.

We can firmly conclude that God does nothing wrong; He always acts rightly and keeps His promises. If we experience failure, it is our fault, not His. In our limited understanding, we might not recognize the source of our mistakes; it could be deeper than we prefer to acknowledge. Nonetheless, if there is a fault, it lies with us, not with God.

In God’s wisdom, what we perceive as failures or mistakes may represent success. It is always safe to trust God. Refer to Isaiah 45:19 and Romans 9:33. If we have made mistakes due to our human judgment, we should confess these errors to God and those directly affected by them and then leave the outcomes in His hands. He will take care of all the results. If some people choose to harbor resentment over the mistakes we have made but have tried to correct, we cannot control that. God will ensure that His purpose is not hindered by the mistakes we have acknowledged and repented of.




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