Sevenfold Increase of Light


For the sun to shine seven times hot­ter on the earth made new, will not the earth flee away from its present orbit and move seven times nearer the sun?


Reference is evidently made to Isa. 30:26: “Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.” No, the sun will not be nearer; it will simply shine undimmed, that is all. Scientists tell us that our poor, sin-marred human eye can appreciate only two percent of the sun’s light; ninety-eight percent is invisible to us. God, in mercy, dims the glory of His creation so that sinful man may be spared its overpowering glory. In that day when God binds up the breach of His people, God’s sun shall shine forth in undimmed splendor, and, by that light which im­mortal eyes will be fitted to bear, we shall see new beauties in God’s creation that we never could see before.




The Mark of the Beast

The Vineyard

Christ’s Object Lessons: Lesson 64 – The Vineyard And Wicked Husbandmen, Part 1


Christ’s Object Lessons: Lesson 4 – The Sower, Seeds, And Soils, Part 3

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